Chiropractic Care

Approaches used consist of a wide range of manipulation techniques (some very gentle) designed to improve the function of the joints, reducing pain and muscle spasm. Such skilled manipulation is very specific, directed at individual joints in order to reduce strains and improve mobility in one area without disturbing another. Asides from manipulation a variety of techniques including soft tissue techniques, ice/heat, ultrasound, dry needling acupuncture and stretching are utilised.

Home advice tailored towards each individual is also provided. Whether this is through exercises, stretch routines, ergonomic advice for PC use or techniques for lifting etc. Rehab exercises are always given With the aim of helping to reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the problem. This is particularly important these days in terms of posture. Modern technological life is changing our postures through the use of tablets and smart phones. We are all adopting new postures which may place the spine under greater stress and strain.

My role is to reduce your complaint severity as soon as possible and get you back to your desired activities. However, it is essential to address function and conditioning in any injury; I take the time and make the effort to find and address the cause and aim to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence. This also helps you to function better and get the most out of your body.

As a Chiropractor I utilise a variety of different methods involving safe, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine and other related areas; this is commonly associated with a “pop” or “click” noise. Asides from manipulation a variety of techniques including soft tissue techniques, ice/heat, ultrasound, dry needling acupuncture, exercises, rehabilitation and advice about posture and lifestyle can be applied. I have a particular interest in Kinematics and can assess running & gait using a treadmill. This allows me to analyse movement during the actions of the muscle/joints involved before reassessing post intervention. We can then address any areas that have not corrected through rehabilitative exercises or onward referral.